Jacqueline Gallego

Jacqueline Gallego

Asset Manager

Jacqueline Gallego is an Asset Manager at AOG Living. She is responsible for overseeing investor communications, including quarterly reporting, portfolio updates, distributions, and general strategy reports. She is involved in all phases of new acquisitions and developments and oversees assets ranging from origination to disposition. Since joining AOG Living in 2016, Jacqueline has assisted in all development and acquisition transactions.

Prior to her Asset Manager role,Jacqueline served as an Investment Coordinator and an administrative assistant, reporting to the Executive Committee of AOG Living.


Contact Me

  • Houston Corporate Office
    2051 Greenhouse Road, Suite 300
    Houston, TX 77084
  • (713) 622-5844 ext.1132
  • (713) 622-4762
  • JGallego@aogliving.com